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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Publix shopping 7/7

I haven't blogged about my shopping trips at all this summer! The deals just don't seem to be as good as they use to be...or maybe it's because I am stocked up on everything and don't need to purchase much. Please keep in mind that my freezer is full of meats and I buy my vegetables at the produce market or Save A Lot. You can find the coupon abbreviations page on the right if you are not familiar with them.
Today I bought sushi for lunch for $6.99, that price is not included in my totals since the money comes out of a different envelope. (I am on the Dave Ramsey envelope budget system). The two dozen eggs came from Walgreens, .99 cents each, so they are not included in the Publix total.

Today I spent $41.09 and saved $75.59 or 65%.
2 Luigi sugar free Italian ice, bogo $3.19, used 2 $1.00 MQ = .60 cents each
4 Cool juice, bogo $2.99, used 4 $1.00 IP = .49 cents each
4 Yoplait yo plus yogurt, bogo $2.29 , used 4 .50 mq = .65 cents each
2 kleenex , sale $1.25 ea. , used $1.00/2 PQ = .75 each
2 Crest toothpaste, sale $1.00 each, used 2 .75 MQ = .25 cents each
1 Meow Mix cat food, not on sale, used $2.00 PQ and $1.00 MQ = $9.99
6 Welches fruit snacks, $2.75 bogo, used 2 .50 IP and 2 $1.00/2 MQ = .87 each
4 Barilla mini pasta, $1.27 bogo, used 4 $1.00 MQ = .08 each
1 tub cottonelle wipes, sale $1.99 no coupon
2 Nature Valley granola bars, sale $3.99 each , used .75/2 IP = $3.62 each (I thought these were bogo, my mistake!)
2 Wishbone salad dressing, $2.69 bogo, used $1.00 PQ = .85 cents each
2 Sundown vitamins, $2.99 each, used $6.00/2 PQ and 2 $1.00 MQ = $2.02 Money Maker!
2 Hunts diced tomatoes, $1.29 bogo, no coupon = .65 cents each
2 Smuckers Chocolate topping, sale $1.89 each, used $1.00 PQ and $1.00/2 MQ = .89 cents each
2 Covergirl mascara , sale $2.99 each, used $2.50/2 MQ = $1.75 each